Wednesday, April 13, 2011

You remember my sewing room?

And how lovely and organised and shiny it was?

This, sadly, is closer to what it usually looks like. This is a bit extreme, being the night before my twins’ sixth birthday, after days of frantic creating by everyone else in the family. We do handmade presents, and this is the result. After the presents have been packed away.

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I know, I know, you can still see the floor so it’s not THAT bad-but it’s about as bad as I can handle it getting. Mostly it’s the stacking of stuff over every available surface-when I can’t see the sewing machine when i’m sitting in front of it, my brain implodes, and the kids nod and say to each other ‘Mummy is frothing at the mouth again’ while I throw all of their stuff into a pile and tell them that what isn’t gone in five minutes is going in the bin.

Deep breaths!

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